Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)  2nd Edition


This book is a masterpiece in teaching PLC in simple steps. In this book, you will learn the ins and outs of PLC hardware and software (Allen-Bradley SLC502 PLC & CLICK Koyo PLC).

The concept of PLC is fully explained step by step with many lab experiments.










Alireza H. Fassih



New Generation Publishing



Easy, Hands On Electronics Books





 Programmable Logic Controllers

-----------[ P   L  C ]------------







Copyright © 2014, 2023 - 2nd edition, by Alireza H. Fassih


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, xerography, recording, or by incorporating into any information storage or retrieval system, without the written permission from the author. Making copies of any part of this book for any purpose is a violation of United States copyright laws. Unauthourized dissemination, publication or the sale of the any part of this textbook, including posting on the internet is strictly prohibited.



The author or the publisher does not warrant the accuracy of the materials in this book. Neither the author nor the publisher is liable or responsible for any damages or injuries

as a result of using the materials in this book directly or indirectly.









Printed in the United States of America



ISBN 978-0-9905015-2-7







The main purpose of this book is a HANDS-ON APPROACH in learning PLC hardware and software. In this book, Allen-Bradley SLC502 PLC and CLICK (Koyo) PLC will be explored.


The main goal of this book is to create a vast visualization of the working function of the PLC hardware and learn how to write Ladder Programs.


This book is a COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE of the practical working with the PLC and its applications in industry.


This book can be used as a PLC textbook/lab manual in any PLC course.









Chapter 1: PLC Hardware  


1.1     What is a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)? ……………..………………….  2


1.2     SLC 502 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) hardware………………..……… 3


1.3     How to Interconnect a PLC to a Personal Computer (PC)? ………………..…….11


1.4     How to Configure DH485 Adaptor? ………..………………………………………..14


1.5     How to Configure SLC 502 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)? ….…..……15


 Chapter 1: Exercise and Lab ……………………………………………………………… 22




Chapter 2: Ladder Programming       



2.1      How to Label the 4-Inputs in the PLC? ………….….……………………..…….24


2.2      How to label the 8-Inputs in the PLC? ……….……………………………..……25


2.3 How to Label the 8-Outputs in the PLC? ……….…………………………..……26


2.4 How to Simulate a Flash-light in Ladder Programming?...…………..……….   27


2.5 How to Simulate an AND Gate in Ladder Programming?...…….………......….34


2.6 How to Simulate an OR Gate in Ladder Programming?………...………….…..41


 Chapter 2: Exercise and Lab ……………………………………………………...…….. 49




Chapter 3: Electromagnetic Relay and Bit-Relay   


3.1      Electromagnetic Relay ……………………………………………………………..54


3.2      How to Simulate an Electromagnetic Relay in Ladder programming?..............57


3.3      Bit-Relay and its Application?..……………..……………………………..……….63


Chapter 3: Exercise and Lab ……………………………………………………………... 66




Chapter 4: How to program Timers?


4.1   What is a Timer? ………………………………………………………………………70


4.2   Timer On-Delay (TON)…..……………………………………………………..……..71


4.3   Timer Off-Delay (TOF) .……………………………………………………..………..84


4.4 Retentive Timer-On (RTO)..………….………………………………..……………..97


Chapter 4: Exercise and Lab ………………………………………..…………………...104




Chapter 5: How to program  Counters?



5.1   What is a Counter? …………………………………………………………………..110


5.2 Counter-Up (CTU) ………………………………………………………….………...111


5.3 Counter-Down (CTD) ……………………………………..…………………………123


Chapter 5: Exercise and Lab ……………………………………………..……………. . 134






Chapter 6: Math and Compare Instructions



6.1    Addition (ADD) instruction ….…………………………………………………….140


6.2    Subtraction (SUB) instruction ……………………………………………………142


6.3    Greater Than (GRT) instruction …………………………………………..…….. 144


6.4 Less Than (LES) Instruction…………………………………………………..…146


6.5     Equal (EQU), Divide (DIV), Clear (CLR) Instructions..……………...……….. 148


6.6    Limit Test (LIM) instruction ……………………………………………………...  154


6.7    Move (MOV) instruction……………………………………………………...…...156


6.8    Masked move (MVM) instruction……………………………………….....…… .158



Chapter 6: Exercise and Lab ……………………………………………………….….161



Chapter 7: Jump and Subroutines



7.1    Jump (JMP) to Label (LBL) Instruction ………………………………………… 168   


7.2    Subroutine (SBR) and Jump to Subroutine (JSR) ………………………… …170


7.3 Master-Control Reset (MCR) and its Application………………………………176


 Chapter 7: Exercise and Lab ……………………………..…………………………. .179  




 Chapter 8: Output Sequencer and Shift Register


8.1    What is an Output Sequencer (SQO)? ………..……………………………….186


 8.2    What is a Shift Register? ……………………………………..…………..…… 190


   8.3     Bit Shift Left Register (BSL)………………………………….……..…………. 191


   Chapter 8: Exercise and Lab ………………………………………………………….193



   CLICK Software Lab Manual………………………………..195




Appendix A: CLICK (Koyo) PLC ……………………… 225




Appendix B: Electronic Sensors …………………… 237                         


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