New Generation Publishing



                                                                                               Easy, Hands On Electronics Books



                                                                                                                                                                          Second Edition




A Practical Handbook to

Digital Electronics




Copyright © 2005, 2012 -2nd edition by Alireza H. Fassih




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ISBN 978-0-9776054-7-7 / 0-9776054-7-7





The main purpose of this handbook is a HANDS-ON APPROACH in learning digital circuits.

In each section, a digital chip is introduced and then a software/hardware circuit will follow. The software circuit can be implemented by electronic circuit design and simulation software such as Multisim ®.


The main goal of this handbook is to create a vast visualization of the working function of the digital electronics circuitries. Based on my experience in teaching electronics, students had more problems with setting up the hardware circuits than software circuits. Therefore, one of my main intentions in writing this handbook is to guide the students through setting up a complete wiring of the circuits.


This handbook is a COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE of the practical working of the digital circuits and can be used as digital electronics textbook/lab manual in digital electronics course.








Chapter 1: Number Systems



1.1         Decimal Digits and Numbers


1.2         Binary Digits and Numbers


1.3         Binary to Decimal Conversion


1.4         Decimal to Binary Conversion


1.5         Hexadecimal Digits and Numbers


1.6         Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion


1.7         Hexadecimal to Binary Conversion


1.8         Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion


1.9         Octal Digits and Numbers


1.10    Binary to Octal Conversion


1.11    Octal to Binary Conversion


1.12    Octal to Decimal Conversion


1.13    1’s Complement of a Binary Number


1.14    2’s Complement of a Binary Number


1.15    Addition of two Binary Numbers


1.16    Representation of Voltages in Digital Circuits with Binary Digits




Chapter 2: Logic Gates        



2.1     Inverter  Gate


2.2     OR  Gate


2.3      AND  Gate 


2.4      NOR  Gate  


2.5      NAND  Gate


2.6      Exclusive - OR Gate


2.7      Logic Probe




Chapter 3: Combinational Logic Chips  



3.1   BCD-to-Decimal Decoder


3.2   BCD-to-7 Segment Decoder


3.3   Decimal to BCD Encoder


3.4   8-Input Data Multiplexer


3.5   1-Line-to-16 Line De-multiplexer    


Chapter 4: Latches and Flip-Flops        



4.1    S-R Latch  


4.2    Gated S-R Latch  


4.3    Gated D Latch


4.4     D Flip-Flop  


4.5     J-K Flip-Flop   


Chapter 5: Counters          



5.1    Asynchronous 2-bit Counter


5.2    Asynchronous 3-bit Counter


5.3    Asynchronous 4-bit Counter 


5.4    Synchronous 2-bit Counter


5.5    Synchronous 3-bit Counter


5.6    Synchronous 4-bit Counter



Chapter 6: Shift Registers  


6.1    One-bit Shift Register


6.2    Two-bit Shift Register


6.3     Four-bit Shift Register


6.4     Four-bit Parallel in / Parallel out Shift Register


6.5     Eight-bit Serial in / Parallel out Shift Register


6.6     Eight-bit Parallel in / Serial out Shift Register


6.7     Four-bit Universal Shift Register


6.8     Johnson Shift Register Counter


6.9     Ring Shift Register Counter


Chapter 7: Digital-Analog Conversion


7.1    Digital-to-Analog Conversion


7.2    Analog-to-Digital Conversion